Talk: Semra Horuz

Salt Galata

September 26, 2018 19.00

Buyuksergikatalogu Osmanlipavyonu 1851 Londra <i>Recollections of The Great Exhibition of All Nations</i> [Bütün Ulusların Büyük Sergisi] kataloğundan Osmanlı Pavyonu’nun kısmi tasviri, Londra: Lloyd Brothers & Co., & Simpkin Marshall & Co., 1851
Recollections of The Great Exhibition of All Nations [Bütün Ulusların Büyük Sergisi] kataloğundan Osmanlı Pavyonu’nun kısmi tasviri, Londra: Lloyd Brothers & Co., & Simpkin Marshall & Co., 1851
Workshop IV

Organized as part of the program series Exhibit, this talk will be held in Turkish.